12/31 23:00~ New-Year Countdown Party at THE PUBLIC SIX

毎年多く外国人で賑わうTHE PUBLIC SIX恒例のCountdown Event!
大晦日 12/31 23:00から翌朝5:00まで、日本の伝統文化を取り入れた
Japanese Styleの年越しDJイベントで令和最初の新年をお祝い!!!
Countdown event will start at 11:00 pm on Dec 31st.
Event ends at 5:00 am on Jan 1st 2020!!
◆Party your way to 2020 with music played by the live DJ.
◆Enjoy a Japanese traditional New year’s countdown event for your good luck!!
Sake Ceremony “ Kagami-wari ” 鏡割り 振舞い酒
*The Sake Barrel Ceremony “Kagami-Wari” is a Japanese ceremony performed at various celebratory events.
*The wooden Sake Barrel is broken open with a mallet “kizuchi”.
*Then after, the Japanese-sake is served in wooden square cups “masu”.
Bowl of “ Toshikoshi-soba “ 年越し蕎麦
*Toshikoshi-soba, year-crossing noodle, is Japanese traditional noodle bowl dish eaten on New Year’s Eve.
*This custom lets go of hardship of the year because soba noodles are easily cut while eating.
*It’s also thought to bring success and a promising year.
【 Entry ticket 】 1 person ¥3,500 (Cash only) / *Reservation Ticket ¥3,000
Entrance fee + 2 drinks tickets + Japanese traditional Toshikoshi-soba and Masu-Sake.
* Legal drinking age in Japan is 20, please bring photo ID.
Join us for the best party in Roppongi and see in 2020 with a bang!
THE PUBLIC SIX TEL: 03-5413-3182 (TEL受付 17:00 – 翌3:00)